sorry no pic but my naso tang is like peeling on one of his sides like the top layer of his skin like a clear white is pealing off of one of his sides.
any suggestions?? does anyone know what this is??
How long have you had this fish? Have any of you other fish had any diseases recently? Does it look like thick slime? Do you notice any redness in the area? What are your water readings? Is he still eating?
Originally Posted by sepulatian http:///forum/post/2578914
How long have you had this fish? Have any of you other fish had any diseases recently? Does it look like thick slime? Do you notice any redness in the area? What are your water readings? Is he still eating?
i have never had any other fish have diseases. ive had the fish for about 3 weeks. it looks like slime yes. there is no redness on him though. he hasnt eaten today or yesterday. all my water readings are normal
ph 8.3
nitrite 0
ammonia 0
nitrates 25
i was about to do a waterchange today but is it bad should i take him back to my LFS?
Originally Posted by cafero702 http:///forum/post/2578974
yes but worse like its actually dangling off of him
what is it???
It is Brookynella. The treatment is formalin baths. Take a look at the common treatments FAQ, which is located at the top of the disease and treatment board, for instructions on the baths.