tang, please eat!


New Member
my yellow hawaiian tang is not eating. he has been in the tank for two weeks now. does not touch romaine lettuce or other "made" foods. otherwise color is vivid, and active . i do have 4 damsels in there too that wouldnt be the problem, would it they eat fine

richard rendos

Active Member
Try some frozen "Emerald Entree" or get some SeaWeed Selects. If you have an Oriental Grocery in you town, go there and buy dry, unsalted nori (seaweed).


My yellow tang loves the Seaweed Selects Green Algae.The only other thing that he will even touch is frozen brine.He seems to be doing very well on this diet,and is very,very active.Good luck with yours,I'm sure he will eat something.It's just a matter of finding what he likes.:p


Believe it or not most yellow tangs will eat spirulina flake, even if they're not taking anything else. You can invest in a small jar to see.
If you soak it in a little garlic juice, you can't miss.