Tang Question


New Member
When Salt Water fish.com says that "They are voracious algae eaters." What type of algae are they talking about? Is it green or red hair or that red stuff that grows on the glass?
I have a Powder Brown Tang in a 250 gal tank. With about 225 lbs of rockwork.
Any help would be nice. Photos would be great.

sinner's girl

mine loved the green algea that grow on the fliter. I never had red in the tank.
But you should also feed then seaweed and such, don't rely on what's in your tank for them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sinner's Girl
mine loved the green algea that grow on the fliter. I never had red in the tank.
But you should also feed then seaweed and such, don't rely on what's in your tank for them.
Good points, the green algae that grows on your glass has insufficient nutrients that they need in their diet. They'll eventually die from starvation. Algae strips is a must!!! Tangs should be fed more then once a day with small amounts at a time, variety diet would be good, stuffs like blood worms, formula 2, live brine shrimp, etc etc. Don't feed them too much meaty stuff, they'll grow little cyst almost like a ich spot if too much is being fed, they're mainly algae eaters.... They graze on algae all day long. When I used to have a Kole tang and my tank was covered with algae, he clean all that stuffs up in one day!!! Good Luck!! :happyfish


What I have done, and thanks to the recipes on here, is I make my own food. I cater to the the fish I have in my tank. I also add garlic, flake and seaweed in the mix. They love it and I enjoy making it. My first batch has so far lasted me 2 weeks. I also feed them a few other things to mix it up a little so they do not get bored with it. Do a search for recipes on here if you are interested.


Typically the algae tangs love and eat 'voraciously' is almost stricktly macro-algae. Generally it is the softer macroalgae like culerpa. Tangs generally wont eat calcified macroalgae like halmedia.