tang question


Active Member
ok reading a post on a different forum just now i read where the powder blue and the blue hippo were/are the biggest ich magnet tangs, is this true, close to true? and if so which tangs are the opposite? i have a yellow tang and i want to add another 1( tang, not another yt ) but not interested in bringing in a tang that is easily prone to ich, unless they can be qt in a 10 gal. for a few weeks ( i am wanting a juvinile, so i think a 10 qt might work for a little bit) help on this one appreciated want to get the fish next week thanks tobin :notsure: :happyfish


Active Member
both the PB and the hippo are close to the most likely to get ich. the more hardy tangs are : yellows, sailfins, koles (stay realitively small), and mimic tangs.


Originally Posted by fedukeford
both the PB and the hippo are close to the most likely to get ich. the more hardy tangs are : yellows, sailfins, koles (stay realitively small), and mimic tangs.
that's what i would say too. Also what size tank is it?


Originally Posted by seasalt101
how does the achilles fair, pretty fish thanks feduke any more info?
I don't have much experiance with the achilles but i have not heard bad stories.


Active Member
my tank is a 150, if youneed more info no problem,stocklist whatever thanks tobin oh before i forget the only qt i have at this time is a 10 gal. if i/when i get the tang whichever tang it is, it will be a juvi thanks again tobin


Active Member
kinda don't want a tang with the same shape as the yellow tang i hope that makes sense to you, i want a lot of color and shapes in the dt thanks for the suggestion. i think the achilles is a cool lookin fish so i need some info from tang people...thanks tobin


I kept a hippo tang and a yellow tang together in my tank for over 2 yrs and
had no problems. I dont know if it was luck or not but it worked well. I was
hot on that powder blue tang untill I read the book that everbody on this site
that everbody hails. The book says powder blues dont fare well in home tanks....good luck

mandarin w

Good choice not to want another tang with the same body shape as the yellow. It is not a good idea to mix tangs from the same family.
Which ever you choose, keep in mind the tangs are very territorial. and the yellow will not be happy with another moving into it territory. So when you get which ever tang you decide to get, After you have QT'ed it for the 3 to 4 weeks, before you put it in your display tank, I would be a good idea to take the yellow out for a few minutes, and rearrange your rock work in your tank. That way when you put them both back in, the yellow is less likely to be as aggressive. The yellow will assume he is in the new tangs territory. and more likely to behave himself.
As for the Achilles, very hard fish to keep. It stresses very easily.
A nice healthy shoal tang is usually pretty hardy, and handles stress pretty well.


Active Member
thank you mandarin good idea to rearrange the lr but that would figure too just got it how i like it arghhhh, any other tang ideas out there? tobin

payton 350

def.. QT him.....don't want to possibly introduce ich to the tank.....a 10 is a little on the small side,,,,,,,but it's better than your whole tank being infected......i just hope it's a very very small one.....


Active Member
yeah not to far down the road there will be a 29 or a 55 gal. hospital just not sure where i would put it, small house tobin


I loved my achillies, But he did get the ick and could not save him! I now have a schol tang, doing great for 8 months