Tang question?


Hello, im just a little curious I have a yellow tang in a 60 gallon he hasent been in there long, he also wasent the first fish in the tank. He is doing wonderful, but my friend has to move and he is givning all of his stuff away for free> livestock and everything. He has a powder blue tang that is a little bigger then the yellow that I have. I was just wondering what anyone thought about mixing the two. Im a little unsre, but its a free fish Im tempted to try it and if it dont work out then i will have to get rid of one. Let me know what you think.


Depends on which type of 60 you have, but most 60s are just a taller 55, ie 4 feet long 1 foot front to back and whatever high, and if that is the case I'd probably not recommend any tang, although a small yellow would probably be okay for a while before you need to upgrade. Powder blues get pretty big though, I think over a foot, so eventually it wont even be able to turn around, but if you make plans to upgrade you might be okay.
Originally Posted by guitarplr85
Hello, im just a little curious I have a yellow tang in a 60 gallon he hasent been in there long, he also wasent the first fish in the tank. He is doing wonderful, but my friend has to move and he is givning all of his stuff away for free> livestock and everything. He has a powder blue tang that is a little bigger then the yellow that I have. I was just wondering what anyone thought about mixing the two. Im a little unsre, but its a free fish Im tempted to try it and if it dont work out then i will have to get rid of one. Let me know what you think.


ok cool, and yeah I do plan on upgrading here soon. Either to a 75 or a 90 maybe even bigger. not a 100% on which size I will go to. Thanks for the info I appreciate it.


75/90 should be good for one or the other (i'd lean toward keeping the yellow as the powder should probably be in a 6 foot tank). Just my 2 cents, im planning on putting a tang in a 56, which is only 30 inches long :)
Originally Posted by guitarplr85
ok cool, and yeah I do plan on upgrading here soon. Either to a 75 or a 90 maybe even bigger. not a 100% on which size I will go to. Thanks for the info I appreciate it.


Mixing the 2 is asking for trouble. Powder blues are one of the more aggressive tangs and putting one in a tank that small will result in territory battles. Powder blues really need large tanks, 180+ to diffuse chances of aggression.