Tang rubbing on Open Brain


Active Member
So my Hippo Tang has only been in my DT for 2 days and I have my first issue with her (at leat I think it's her that's causing the problem). My Open Brain has been doing very well in my tank and is actually growing. But look at these two pics below. The first is how he usally is and the second is how he is now. I was curious about it but didn't think to much about it, maybe he was feeding or something like that. Then I noticed my Hippo Tang rub up against him, a few times. The brain would suck in where she touched him and then puff back out. Do I have anything to worry about? I remember talking with another reefer and he said there was one coral (can't remember which one) he could not keep alive because his tang would always rub on it. Is this normal behavior for tangs? I would hate to lose my Open Brain, I love it!



Active Member
I'm getting worried, the tang is still rubbing on the brain from time to time. He's still puffed up and I'm starting to get worried.
I said that already, didn't I.....


it usually gets puffed when is eating something....When I feed my brains, they get all puffed up like that, BH have the tendency to keep rubbing on everything....Try to move on another side, maybe the BH won't notice...IMO I dont think the rubbing would affect the brain


Active Member
Originally Posted by azfishgal
I'm getting worried, the tang is still rubbing on the brain from time to time. He's still puffed up and I'm starting to get worried.
I said that already, didn't I.....

I have a blenny that constantly bugs my brain, he thinks its his water bed likes to lay on it
No problems with the brain. I wonder if yours might just be adjusting to your new lights?


Active Member
Thanks, I feel better now. It doesn't look hurt, just larger than normal. As far as my lights, the MHs are not on, but I did have them on for about 30 minutes this morning, I was showing my parents the new lights. But I didn't notice he was puffed up until after the lights were turned off. Right now I'm running them for 2 hours in the early evening, for the past two days. I'll do this for 2 more days and then increase by 1 hour every 4 days. Does that sound like it will be ok? I've been keeping my eye on everyone and so far no one seems to be stressed when they are on. Well, the shrimp don't want to come out and the Royal Gramma hides more when the MHs are on. Maybe I should toss in some sunglasses.


Active Member
Rubbing on the coral is less invasive than picking at it. Maybe its a phase, and will go away?
I would be more concerned with actually picking on it. I had to remove my beloved lemonpeel that I had for 3 years when I decided to go reef because it actually would pick at the coral (mostly polyps) and cause them to close up.
I would continue to watch the two, but honestly think it won't hurt the brain. The brain should get use to it. I have seen clowns that have hosted a brain, and it took the brain awhile to acclimate to the movement. Hippo's are pretty much reef safe. Hope this helps.


Active Member
Rubbing on the coral is less invasive than picking at it. Maybe its a phase, and will go away?
I would be more concerned with actually picking on it. I had to remove my beloved lemonpeel that I had for 3 years when I decided to go reef because it actually would pick at the coral (mostly polyps) and cause them to close up.
I would continue to watch the two, but honestly think it won't hurt the brain. The brain should get use to it. I have seen clowns that have hosted a brain, and it took the brain awhile to acclimate to the movement. Hippo's are pretty much reef safe. Hope this helps.

Sunglasses? Hey that's an idea!!!


Active Member
The open brain is back to it's old self, so looks like he'll be alright. She still rubs on it from time to time, but no picking. So I think they will be ok. I will say this, my little blue Hippo tang is not scared of anyone in the tank. She's already been confronted by the Sleeper Goby when she got to close to his little cave, they just did a little circle dance is all, nothing serious. I've seen them go at it a few times. And the little Gramma had a few words as the Hippo got to close to his home. The Hippo is 3xs the Gramma's size but that didn't stop him. At first the Hippo didn't back down but then decided to concede. Again, nothing serious, just testing the waters a bit.


no no no. he will not be alright. don't listen to these guys. you need to get rid of that brain. just send it to me and i'll take good care of it.......

joking, joking. its a nice looking piece. i can't wait for my red open brain to get bigger.


Active Member
Originally Posted by gmford1979
no no no. he will not be alright. don't listen to these guys. you need to get rid of that brain. just send it to me and i'll take good care of it.......

joking, joking. its a nice looking piece. i can't wait for my red open brain to get bigger.
Oh, I see how you are.
Well.....he's one of my favorite corals so in regards to your request.............NOT!


Originally Posted by puffer32
I have a blenny that constantly bugs my brain, he thinks its his water bed likes to lay on it
No problems with the brain. I wonder if yours might just be adjusting to your new lights?
Kind of like this? I think the rubbing has nothing to do with Brain. Mine does through phases also.



Originally Posted by azfishgal
Snaredrum, what a cute pic!

That was takin by luck. I walked in the room and their he was. He has been hosting ever since. I was getting ready to trade the Brain because of his size. I guess thats off...LOL


Active Member
Originally Posted by Snaredrum
That was takin by luck. I walked in the room and their he was. He has been hosting ever since. I was getting ready to trade the Brain because of his size. I guess thats off...LOL

The clown does look rather comfortable in his new water bed. I can see you losing a finger if you try and take that brain out now.
