Tang suggestions...


I'd like to add a tang to my 72 (eventually) but I'd like some suggestions considering the size of my tank. There's conflicting info everywhere. For instance, I've read a number of sites that list minimum tank size anywhere from 55 gallons to 100 gallons for a yellow tang. My tank has 100# of LR with plenty of room to swim. I've already eliminated several species for hardiness/tank size reasons but I'd like to get everyone's opinions.
Any suggestions??


Active Member
SInce your tank is a bowfront, you should have pleanty of Tang room. some Taller tanks seem to small, i have a 70 gal. tall, that i probly wont add a tang to because the swimming room seems limited. But my 125 long, i have 2 tangs in. see what i mean. good luck


Active Member
I have a 72 bowfront and have had a yellow tang in there since before Christmas. He is very happy. approx 4.5 inches long at this point. he is in there with 2 false percs, 2 banggai, and 1 coral beauty. they get along great.
Scott Michael's book "Marine Fishes" is the saltwater fish bible, as far as I'm concerned. he says...
yellow tangs
Atlantic Blues (NOT to be confused with the Dory "Regal Blue") Tang
Powder Brown (NOT Powder Blue) Tang
Whitecheek Tang
Chocolate Tang
Convict Tang
Indian Mimic Tang
Kole Tang
Brown Tang....
would be suitable for your size tank. I wanted a Kole Tang, but my wife talked me into the yellow. it had black ich and HLLE as soon as I got it home, but I've fixed both. he has a ton of personality, and I haven't been disappointed.
if you get a tang, you'll want to get a grounding probe, and plenty of sheets of spirulina. and have some Zoecon on standby.

who dey

Active Member
i bought a yellow tang for my 55 before i knew how much room they need. luckily he is small and it will be a few years before i trade him in for something else, oh yeah he is the happiest tang i've ever had. used to have a 125 with tangs. so if you get one, trade him in after he gets decent sized



Originally posted by Pontius
if you get a tang, you'll want to get a grounding probe

Pontius - I'm curious why you posted this. I know what a grounding probe is, by why use one specifically with tangs?

who dey

Active Member
may sound nuts, but what the he** is a grounding probe, i have heard about them but no one has clarified.


Basically, it is a metal rod that you put inside the tank. The rod is connected to a wire that plugs into the "ground" part of an outlet. The probe will take all the electrical currents in your tank (caused by powerheads, heaters, etc) and provide them with a safe "path" out of the tank.


Active Member
tangs and angels are especially prone to HLLE. the grounding probe will offset any loose electrical voltage that may be coursing around your tank due to powerheads, filters, skimmers, heaters, etc. the way I understand it, these volts are either a cause for HLLE, or either make the HLLE worse. I know that an improper diet also is a cause of HLLE. anyway, if you add a grounding probe and zoecon to the fish's food, it should help against HLLE.
a grounding probe is a short little metal probe that is attached to an electrical wire. that can be screwed directly into the screw of an electrical outlet, or plugged in. the one I bought cost $20.
you can find out more about them in the disease forum. many, including Beth, list grounding probes as a prerequisite for tangs and angels. I know that my tang had HLLE when I got him. with a probe and some zoecon, the HLLE is now gone.


Active Member
In a 72 gallon bowfront a yellow tang would be the only thing I would put in there "tang wise anyway".
i think the regal tang has the most personalty i love mine.
If you have it in a 55 then he wont last long.


im guessing 1 12 to 2 yrs then im goin to take him to the lfs which has a 400gal. but i will more than likely get a bigger tank by then!!