Tang swimming strange


Since yesterday I have noticed that my yellow tang is swimming weird. He appears to do it after I feed him and the other fish. He will shutter and then swim away really fast. Then he will turn the top half of his body and kinda swim like that and he also has strange bursts of energy. He also kinda of hits his tail off of the back of my tank. It doesn't look like he has a visible disease and he is eating just fine. I am getting worried because I really like him and I have only had him for a week. I have a 125 g tank with 2 clowns, damsel, firefish, and 2 anthias. I do 10g water changes weekly and my water perimeters are all good too. I have 0 ammonia, rite, and rate. Ph is 8.2 and salinity is 1.026 and my temp remains the same. Please help if there is something wrong I want to catch it early and if he is just weird then that is fine with me too.


Active Member
Sounds to me like he can see his reflection somewhere in your tank. These are not the smartest of God's creations, so bear with them. Mine fights himself in the glass on the sides of the tank


Well-Known Member
+1 I also want to add that if he is doing this only at feeding time, he thinks he is protecting his turf for food.


Thanks guys! He is a strange big guy! He is also extremely shy and he kinda reminds me of my big dumb chocolate lab so it is kind of fitting that I would a fish like that!