Tang Tank Size


Active Member
There is a smaller species called the yellow eyed tang. They eat a lot of Alagea, they MIGHT be able to be kept in a 55.


Active Member
I have a yellow eye tang in my 55 and he seems happy but he's still small. They are really fun to watch. They have a "wobbly" swimming style.


Active Member
absolutely not on the hippo tang. they have a LOT of energy. even a small one needs a bigger tank than that.
I would also say no on the yellow tang because they are very easily agitated and could be aggresive to other fish in a 55.
I believe the 'yellow eye tang' they are talking about is also known as 'kole tang'. this one would be the best choice, because they spend a lot of time behind the rock and don't require a lot of swimming room. they are also pretty, so that shoudn't be a problem.


Active Member
Originally Posted by cds0722
thanks I think I know which one i'm going to get
kole yellow eyed tang
Quite probably a mistake...
Tangs are aggressive. Especially in small areas.
Tangs need plenty of room to "graze".
Tangs are very prone to ich. Bad combination as a small tank leads to stress making the
fish more likely to get ich anyway...
Tangs can be very skittish, and can easily harm themselves in a smaller tank when
they "dart" around.
There are many beautiful fish available in the hobby. Why go with one that you can, at best, only provide a minimum habitat for?


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Quite probably a mistake...
Tangs are aggressive.
not all tangs are aggressive. Kole tangs can be quite timid, and don't require all that much room.
hippo tangs are generally not aggressive either, they just need more room for their gymnastics.


i've kept a blue hippo and a powder blue in a 55 for a year and a half. They were relatively small and I will be upgrading in the future. So imo, YES you could keep any tang in a 55. Just keep water quality perfect.


Active Member
Originally Posted by chunkysoup
They were relatively small and I will be upgrading in the future. .
If I had nickel.......