Tang to Tang tank mate question


New Member
I've heard that 2 tangs in the same tank will fight, however i'm a tad confused... I can see a yellow, purple, black and/or sailfin fighting with each other because they have the same body style. But would one of them (Zebrasoma) get along with a powder blue type (Acanthurus)? I ask Because I have a yellow tang and would very much like to get a powder blue, naso or regal tang.
Thanks in advnace,
I think the PBT is the most aggressive of the lot. Regals would be next, and Nasos would be the least. But, that's just my opinion!
I think any combo would work, if the tank is big enough for both of them.


New Member
It's a 75 gallon with only the yellow tang. I wish I ahd a bigger tank so I could get a silfin.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Flipy
It's a 75 gallon with only the yellow tang. I wish I ahd a bigger tank so I could get a silfin.
There just isn't a "for sure" answer on the question of tangs fighting. But, if you have a 75; I think it sure increases the odds. I would never put a PB in a 75 and never two tangs of any kind.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Flipy
I've heard that 2 tangs in the same tank will fight, however i'm a tad confused... I can see a yellow, purple, black and/or sailfin fighting with each other because they have the same body style. But would one of them (Zebrasoma) get along with a powder blue type (Acanthurus)? I ask Because I have a yellow tang and would very much like to get a powder blue, naso or regal tang.
Thanks in advnace,
There just isn't a "for sure" answer on the question of tangs fighting. But, if you have a 75; I think it sure increases the odds. I would never put a PB, naso, or regal into a 75 and never two tangs of any kind. I think a lot of hobbiests would consider a 75 too small for just the yellow tang.


Active Member
It really depends on each fish sometimes I've seen a tank with many tangs in it and they still get along. I also think if you bought all the fish at the same time they will get along from the start.


Active Member
Originally Posted by dragonboy
It really depends on each fish sometimes I've seen a tank with many tangs in it and they still get along. I also think if you bought all the fish at the same time they will get along from the start.
Try putting a PB and a Sohal in at the same time, or 2 yellows (3 often works), or 2 Purples, or a purple & yellow, etc, etc. Combos like this will end up in big trouble most (not all) of the time. A big tank, different sizes of different genera, and less aggressive species improve your odds.


New Member
i have a 72 gallon tank with a yellow tang and a salfin tang an they get along just fine. i had them both now for about a year together and they act as tho they are best friends so i guess it depends on the agression of the fish you get.
I believe if the PB is the last tang introduced you are okay with a yellow. I have a yellow, PB and Kole and I have never had a probelm...


Active Member
Rght now in my 150 I have a pair of Yellows a Red Sea Sailfin a Blue Hippo and a Blonde Naso male waiting til I get the 300 before I get the Powder Blue and the Purple in there last one I get will be the Sohal.