TANG tricks?


Any one have any advice on getting a tang to eat veggies. My blue emp. seems to be happy eating frozen brine and grazing on liverock. I tried NORI a few times and ended up cleaning it all out of the tank the next day. I wouldnt be worried except the other day I noticed a small piece of "clear string" coming out of him. I read this is from lack of veggies so I want him to eat better. I fed him some caulpera and he seemed to like it. but this left stem's in my tank for me to clean and find. I guess if I dont find it it will just regrow and give him more food. well any suggestions appreciated.


Have you tried seaweed selects algae on a clip.my tangs can't get enough. they love it.


No. but seaweed selects is VERY similar to NORI is it not? I think Im going to throw all my macro algae cuttings in the main tank and just clean up after him..


Put the Nori on the same clip with the cuttings. :D I did this and it didn't take long for my tang to figure out it wasn't so bad after all. She loves it now! Put small pieces out or they w/tear it up and it'll just float around.
Hey i git a quick ? for you Tang owner :D
Is safe for "water perimeters" to leave "SeaWeed Selects" on clip so thatthe fish can "graze" between feedings??
[ December 16, 2001: Message edited by: WastedIncome420 ]

here fishy

You can also you frozen lifeline. They are red and green algea cubes...I soak it in garlic and then feed my veggie eaters.. I also feed them seaweed selects. Fnally if you can ever buy seagrapes, buy a bunch or two..I have never seen a feeding frenzy quite like the one I see when I put those in the tank. A lot of shops sell them in bunches for about 5 bucks...They are real marine greens... :cool:

mr . salty

Active Member
WastedincomeYes you can leave it in the tank.It would take ALOT of seaweed,left in the tank to cause even the smallest water quality problems...I allways leave it in till it's all eaten.And have never had any problems...


IMHO leaving some seaweed selects in the clip is alright. but don't over do it. IT just junks up the tank and gets stuck in the coral. I had a problem with leaving too much of seawead selects in the clip and it just junking up the overflow box in my tank and not getting eaten. But since getting a clip with a web on it I can now leave it in almost all day with out it junking up the filter.


Active Member
i always leave my seaweed selects in the tank till it's gone. It only takes a few hours for my yellow tang.