tang turned gray?


New Member
my friend has a tang he said it was a (lollipop tang) last night he went to sleep and it was fine this morning it was all gray in color at the top of the tank and barely swimming any ideas? everything else in the tank is fine.

here fishy

Before I could answer that question I would like to know if it was a new purchase or if it was already established in the tank???

here fishy

2 months...hmmmm
well he got over the opening day jitters alright.
IF the water conditions were ok (All aspects) I will have to think a little bit. I have had some weird things happen to my tangs over the past few years. They tend to stress very easily and like to lie on their sides some but not near the top. Is there a possibility that something foreign was dropped into the tank????
If I can think of anything substantial I will post again...


New Member
no chance of anything strange being dropped in , and water tests were all fine.

here fishy

I am sure you have thought this outalready but how was he eating and what was he eating. Without a steady diet of greens tangs tend to fade....
And how is he at this point.
Sometimes I tend to over analyize death in my tanks....fish just die sometimes...We don't know the age they were captured at.etc.......