tang Vs red blotches


Hey I have a computerless friend that I have a question for.
She has a yellow tang which developed red blotches within the last two days. She also has two perc clowns which seem fine. I dont know what the water is like, she will have it tested today.
I know that she feeds flake food and dried algea for the tang, but the tang wont eat the algea. Any ideas?


New Member
Hello,I have a yellow tang too.He seems to have little red spots below his top fin.Ive noticed that he still has his color.but seems to not eat as much and seems to be loosing weight.I have started to use Melafix which is a good medcine and also tryed a diffrent agea strip for his food.I hope it works and good luck with your tang.


I had a yellow tang once and it too had some red blotches on it. I'm not sure what it is, but it died not long after having it. I hope you have better luck. :)