Tang, what is this..


New Member
yellow tang, had for about 2 months now. He eats well, swims around well and tank parameters look great. He looks to have a film around his eyes and he's maybe a little duller than usual. Does anybody might now what's going on, or am I just overreacting. I have never treated my fish or tank for any disease as I am new to the salt water hobby. Thanks for any advice.
125 gal reef


New Member
update on observations.. The tank also wants all fish to come up to it and one damsel eats of him. Is this Ick?? If so how do I treat with a reef tank. I only have 2 inverts (both anemones that would be easy to remove if this would help.. I don't know maybe just being extremely cautious.
Thanks again


Staff member
I didn't understand that 2nd post? Could you explain?
Ich should be visible on the fish appear as tiny white dots on the fish's body. Sorta like salt sprinkled on the fish.


what is the damsel eating off of him??? does he have little white spots that look like sugar or salt on him? If so, this may be ich. go to the first thread here and read about treating ich, it's the post by Beth.


oops, I guess Beth's post was posting while I was typing


New Member
I believe it is Ick. Could never get a good view but after getting a constant look at him, I think it is. What is the best treatment within a reef tank. Thanks for everyone post.


If it is ich you must do hypo on him. do this in a qt. your inverts and lr can't handle this, so don't do it in you main reef tank. go to the first thread on this page, it has directions for hypo.