

New Member
What is the smallest tank I can keep a sohal tang in?
They are the reason I got into saltwater fish and need to know what size tank i need.


Active Member
As a point of reference, a member on another site has a sohal in a 500 gallon reef. The fish is huge (15+ inches) and is the undisputed boss of the tank. Looking at full tank shot, the fish looks too big for the system. These are big, very active and very aggressive fish. I personally would not keep one in any tank less than 8 feet long, regardless of gallons. My honest opinion is that very few hobbyists have the means to house one of these fish for a long period.


New Member
thanks for your opinion
but i think they can go in a smaller tank than 500.
I have read that no smaller than a 150. I also read in tanks they really dont get to 16in. but only 7-10. ( with the exception of having the room to get that big ) I have read this on about 15 sites now.
Anyone else have an opinion???


i would say u would need a 250 at least the keep this baby long term. Like nicetry said they are very active.


Originally Posted by hayden574
thanks for your opinion
but i think they can go in a smaller tank than 500.
I have read that no smaller than a 150. I also herd in tanks they really dont get to 16in. but only 7-10. ( with the exception of having the room to get that big ) I have read this on about 15 sites now.
Anyone else have an opinion???

It is not just the size of the fish. This fish is an open water swimmer. They get very large. You may be ok with a 265. That is a good sized tank but be aware that you will not able to fully stock it. This fish takes up a lot of room and, more importantly, needs lots of room to swim. If you try to cramp this fish in a smaller tank, falsely thinking that you can somehow stunt it's growth, then you will end up with a fish that will decline in health quite rapidly.


New Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
It is not just the size of the fish. This fish is an open water swimmer. They get very large. You may be ok with a 265. That is a good sized tank but be aware that you will not able to fully stock it. This fish takes up a lot of room and, more importantly, needs lots of room to swim. If you try to cramp this fish in a smaller tank, falsely thinking that you can somehow stunt it's growth, then you will end up with a fish that will decline in health quite rapidly.

I never said if you cramp it into a tank it will stay small. I said, I have read that they dont get bigger than 7-10in. unless given the room to do so. I was just asking.
anyone else have a different opinion???


are you hanging around until you get the opinion you want to hear?


I wanted one, but had a 125, i waited till i got a 240, and i got the smallest one i could find. Mine is a big swimmer, and he rules the tank.


Active Member
If a fish isn't growing as large as it would in a bigger tank you are stunting it's growth. This can be done for any animal but is causing huge internal problems leading to early death and high stress. Add into that Sohals are a difficult fish to keep and extremely aggressive to the point of ending up the only fish in the tank. I would say 300 gallons at least 8 feet long to keep this fish healthy but it shouldn't be kept at all in home aquariums. There are plently of suitable fish even a few tangs who are better suited to 150 gallons to get.


New Member
Originally Posted by NEreef
are you hanging around until you get the opinion you want to hear?
No, I just want to hear from a few ppl b/c 2 or 3 isnt a big enough number to base something on. Thats all. I'm not trying to sound mean like I'm trying to get my way, I just want a good sample. Sorry, if you think it sounds that way.


I mean now offense whatsoever in this statement, so please don't take it that way: I agree that a sohal tang should not be kept in less than a 240g... there now you have heard it from 7 diffrent people, I think thats majority although i'd still like to see what other people have to say... you never know we might be wrong.


Here you go
Tangs are medium to large, active fish that need plenty of space. On the question of tank sizes, we defer to Scott W. Michael, who recommends the following minimum sizes in Marine Fishes, 500+ Essential-To-Know Aquarium Species, Microcosm Ltd., 1999:
Acanthurus achilles, Achilles Surgeonfish, 100 gal (380l).
Acanthurus coeruleus, Atlantic Blue Tang, 75 gal (285l).
Acanthurus japonicus, Powder Brown Tang, 75 gal (285l).
Acanthurus leucosternon, Powder Blue Tang, 100 gal (380l).
Acanthurus lineatus, Lined or Clown Surgeonfish, 180 gal (680l).
Acanthurus nigricans, Whitecheek Surgeonfish, 75 gal (285l).
Acanthurus olivaceus, Orangeshoulder Surgeonfish, 135 gal (510l).
Acanthurus pyroferus, Mimic Surgeonfish, 75 gal (285l).
Acanthurus sohal, Sohal Surgeonfish, 180 gal (680l).

Acanthurus tristegus, Convict Surgeonfish, 75 gal (285l).
Acanthurus tristis, Indian Mimic Surgeonfish, 75 gal (285l).
Ctenochaetus hawaiiensis, Chevron Tang, 100 gal (380l).
Ctenochaetus strigosus, Kole's Tang, 75 gal (285l).
Naso brevirostris, Spotted Unicornfish, 180 gal (685l).
Naso lituratus, Orangespine Unicornfish or Naso Tang, 135 gal (510l).
Naso unicornis, Bluespine Unicornfish, 200 gal (760l).
Paracanthurus hepatus, Pacific Blue Tang, 100 gal (380l).
Zebrasoma desjardinii, Indian Ocean or Red Sea Sailfin Tang, 135 gal (510l).
Zebrasoma flavescens, Yellow Tang, 75 gal (285l).
Zebrasoma scopas, Brown Tang, 75 gal (285l).
Zebrasoma veliferum, Sailfin Tang, 135 gal (510l).
Zebrasoma xanthurum, Purple Tang, 100 gal (380l).


he dosent really underestimate them, hes just telling the MINIMUM, i like the way that he goes by gallons and in a way sets a limit, rather than the typical
"not unless your tank is 6 feet", but if 180 is the minimum, then i agree with everyone else saying that you need over 200 gallons.



Originally Posted by Beatlesfan
Also note that i have heard that fenner grossly underestimates tang tank sizes.
Yeah...What the heck does Bob Fenner know anyway???

You are kidding me right???



Originally Posted by kirkaz
Yeah...What the heck does Bob Fenner know anyway???

You are kidding me right???

no I think it's a great book but I have
heard from many people on these boards that he states the bare minimum rather than what you really should get.
EDIT: Like AAnthony said, if he says it's 180g the acuall(SP) is like 200 or more.