


are the tang species hard to keep? or is it just me? I have lost all my tangs it a very short time frame. Yellow, Blue, and as of today my powder blue.(I kept them all at separate times) All of my other fish are fine, my water levels seem to be okay.
Any feed back is helpful.


Active Member
I have not had much prob with Tangs, if I pick fish that are big and fat in the chest and don’t have Ich. I also feed a protein like mysis to go with algae sheets to keep them fat.

i love fish

Tangs and Surgeons are more prone to ich than other species (so I've heard and read) I had the same problem as yours in the past, but now I have a regal tang (which i got over 8 months ago) and it is extremely healthy, active and thriving.
I think the trick is to pick a healthy 1 to begin with, watch it carefully for any signs of parasites over the first few days-weeks and treat it accordinglyl if disease/parasites show up. I did this with my regal tang, and so far so good.
Also watch the diet, feed plenty of mysis, krill, nori, add vitamins to the food and don't forget most importantly to feed garlic whenever u can.
Mayb u hv a parasite prob in ur DT that u r unaware of and it's only affecting ur tangs due to their suceptability to it. R they flashing or not eating or hiding for any length of time b4 they die? Mayb something went wrong during acclimitization? R u quarrantining them b4 they go into the DT? If not, u should really do so, it helped me alot when I got my Regal Tang.
Hope this helps, good luck.

naclh2o nut

Tangs are the first fish to pick up ICK (if it is in your tank). So are they easy to keep yes, no. They need a lot a room and becareful about what is in tank to stress them out. I see you have two damsels, that could make the job tough. This cute little guys are mean SO
. Also tank size has been said to be an issue.


Originally Posted by Janestar
are the tang species hard to keep? or is it just me? I have lost all my tangs it a very short time frame. Yellow, Blue, and as of today my powder blue.(I kept them all at separate times) All of my other fish are fine, my water levels seem to be okay.
Any feed back is helpful.

what size tank?


Thanks everyone,
I have a 60 gal. the Powder Blue only lasted about 24 hours. It was in the QT. I tired to pick the healthier one at the store. The shop keeper told me this was the best looking one they had. But I am guessing it was due to stress, in transportation.? The other fish I picked up is fine and eating will. A Copper Band Butterfly so I have a feeling it is not my water that was the issue. It is just upsetting, and my LFS just told me sorry even though it was less and 24 hours.
My Damsels are brats especially the velvet one. I am a little concerned about the butterfly's stress level. Does any know much about how butterflies do with damsels? I had other fish prior to the damsels and trigger. (Juv. Emp. Angel, Bannerfish, clowns, yellow tang, blue hippo)And they all seemed fine but the were introduced later. Then my tank crashed and the 2 damsels and humuhumu were the only survivors, they now seem to be a pretty fierce bunch. Ahhhh fish are stressful.

Thanks for the support though. Any more thoughts would be helpful!

eric b 125

a 60 gal doesn't provide enough room for tangs to swim, IMO. i have had average luck with tangs. i have 3. a yellow, a hippo, and a naso. the hippo started showing signs of ich so all my fish are in hypo, and are handling it well. i think with any fish, if you are creating an environment that is friendly to that species, then the fish should do well.


This is just an observation, but when I've seen a dead/dying fish at my LFS, which is a top-notch place, it's usually been a new Tang arrival.
I've only kept one tang successfully (my Purple), and it was at my LFS for 2 weeks....and I saw it eat before I purchased it.