Tangerine Ocellaris


Active Member
Anybody got a pic of a tangerine ocellaris clown or just know what the difference is between these and the regular ocellaris? I want to see what they look like to decide which I want to get. I have done a search around the web but can't find any pic of them.


Active Member
do you just want pics?
i know the difference of them and regular ones is just color. breeders 'purify' the sub-genres by selective breeding.


Active Member
hmm.. i can't find any either. i know what each one is just can't really descirbe...
their color looks like... tangerine? i gues that doesn't really help.


Active Member
if i am not mistaken, the one in your sig is tangerine. and the one that's more orange is the regular type


Active Member
The one in my avatar is actually a true percula. It was pretty young so it hadn't gotten its darker adult coloration yet.