Tangs are SO Hardy


Why does evryone think tangs aren't hardy and are completely ich prone??? I am not a novice and have been a hobbyist for over a year now and have had a blue tang for about 6 months finding it to be a veryHARDY fish. I will admit at one point i thought i was gonna loose him to a diease cuz he could barely swim and wouldn't and was just floating on his side but he miraculously pulled thu! He is incredibly hardy. Another thing i have a damsel that is the most docile thing in my tank. Why does everyone think they are so mean. Mine is sweet as an angel. Do i just have mixed up fish? Lol just kidding o well i just felt like typing something bye now!


Well consider yourself lucky. Tangs in general "love" ick, that's why you get a cleaner shrimp to live with them :D . If you got one that's hardy, then you're one lucky person.
About the damsel, they can be aggressive when they go through bad things, such as going through cycles, ammo spikes, nitrite spikes. Therefore they get aggressive. Other than that they're wonderful. So they're not that bad :D .


Active Member
personally my tangs are very hardy (yellow and powder blue) neither of them have had ich...although this is my second yellow tang...(first one died of tank catastrophe, ultimately ending in ich) My tangs are hardy but i must say...I had 2 damsels in my tank a while back...the yellow tail damsel was the meanest lil B@$tard I've ever seen!!! He's been gone for a while now. My 4 stripe damsel was great though...He passed on unfortunately...but in general, I agree with you that tangs can be very hardy if kept in a good tank with good conditions and fed properly...even a powder blue...however, I still think many damsels are aggressive and I wouldn't put another one in my tank...well, maybe some chromis, they're not too bad.