tang's black ich


Staff member
Yes, it is contagious. Formalin bathes is the treatment. The procedure is in the FAQ Thread at the top of this forum.


Active Member
Should I just wait for the spots to show up on my other fish or go ahead and treat it? He's in QT with a clown.


Staff member
I'm afraid the formalin is only effective with black ich. It is not as contagious as the white, so there is a possibility that your other fish won't get it so I would effectively treat the infected fish following the directions posted in the FAQ and then wait and see if you notice any on the others. If you see any of the others with this, then you will need to treat all of them. I don't recommend it right off, because it is a hassle treatment [having to remove fish to bath 3-5 times and it is a rather potent drug that should not be used unless necessary].
With white ich, you will need to treat all the fish. What type of setup do you have, do you have a refractometer and a QT?


Active Member
I have a QT but it's only a 10 gallon..the tang is currently in there with a clown.I don't have a refractometer but from what I've read on here I think I sure need to get one, you guys sure don't seem to think much about hydrometers! At what pace should I lower the salinity in my QT? And how far down should I bring it? I know in my freshwater tanks ich can get out of hand real fast. My main saltwater tank is a reef so I know I can't lower the salinity or use copper in there.


Active Member
never mind, he's lying on his side with bloody streaks on his fins so I'm assuming he's gonna be a goner soon...but I had another clown who did something similar a week ago..he seemed to be gasping and around his gills it looked bloody. My water readings are:trates 0,trites 0, ph 8.00, and ammonia 0 do you have any idea what this could be? oh yeah, my salinity is 1.027 but thats with a hydrometer reading and I'm working on bringing this down. I also have another clown that is fine.


look on the picture this what you need it's cost $1.50 here is my email :mavgi2002@yahoo.com send me mail i will give you the site.


no you can't use that with invert and read the post no 5 by beth you can see there :
" the formalin is only effective with black ich "