Tangs Dying, rest of fish, inverts and Coral are happy


About 3 weeks ago my hippo tang was hiding behind the rocks and breathing really heavy, the next day she died.
Now today my Yellow tang is doing the same thing and I'm guessing by morning will be dead (even if a QT her) She is looking really bad. White lips, breathing heavy... I'm guessing it's to late.
However, my main question is, what is going on? I've had this take for 6 years now and never had this issue (sure IKE and other common parisites), but nothing that just atacks my Tangs.
All levels of everthing are within the normal ranges.
Tanks Size: 120
Ammonia 0
nitrite 0
Salinity 1.025
temp 84
I have one 2 Perc clowns that look fine yet, corals (mushrooms and polyps) are doing great, Inverts (crabs, shrimp, etc) are all fine. Just my Tangs are both infected with something.
Any ideas?


Active Member
A picture would help, but I will ask a few ??? anyway. What has been their diet?
Is there stray voltage going into the tank?
I will move this thread to the disease section that way Beth may see it or someone else that is Very knowledgeable. Barry


Temperature is too high - that could be your problem - it is at 84 - normal levels are 72-78 - at the highest 80!! Also your salinity is a little too high - you want to be around the 1.022-23 area - gradually lower the temperature and gradually lower your salinity - hopefully that will help for now - maybe the combo of the two is affecting the tangs - its just strange to me that it isn't affecting any of yopur other fish, inverts or especially coral!! You have had your tank for six years - have you always have the levels this high? I know when my tank gets above 80 my fish, coral ect.. doesn't look very good - I always try to keep it around the 77-78 area, hope this helps. Anybody else see anything?


Active Member
No, Salinity is fine since he has inverts too.
How long have you had the tangs? I am guessing around a month?


yes, thats true, it is pushing it though like you said - and i guess its ok just as long as there isn't any fluctuations, good call - lack of 02 - but it probably would affect the other fish/inverts/corals- that what is so strange about htis maybe your right - maybe its somethignthat just affects tangs? hmmm


Staff member
How big is your tank? What are your nitrates? How long did you have these fish before they became sick? What are you feeding them?


Temp stays a constant 84, I could bump it down to 82. I have 2 heaters in this tank as one is used for backup and is set at 80.
I've had these tangs for about 2 -3 years now.
Diet consists of grinding up: Brown & green algea (sheets), brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, vitachem, garlic, silversides, sp. shrimp, krill, & a few other things. My tank is covered in Quaraline algea and they seem to be doing fine for 2-3 years and I haven't changed anything over the last few years except diet (maybe leaving out some shrimp, etc) but now major diet changes. The only thing I can think that I changed from is one vitamin suplement to vita-chem ( I forget the other brand, small pink bottle and very expensive :) ). I know these guys like algea and are primarily agea eaters, thus the mixture is mostly algea sheets.
Nitrates are 4 or less.
Messureing Salinity with a spectrometer to keep consistancy.
No stray voltage that I can see.
I'm running a Air Hose in the corner of my tank for O2 and I have a protien skimmer that is adding a tons of air :)
Tank size is 120gallon
Thanks again for all you suggestions.
Also, I havent seen my gopy lately either... strange....I wonder if he died too....??


Staff member
What do you mean you are running air hoses?
That tang looks like it may have a bacterial infection, though it is hard to tell for sure by that picture.
I would drop the temp down to 82 if you can, but do this very gradually.
How often are you feeding? What are your nitrates? Do you have powerheads running in the tank?


Picture 2. I know not to use nets, but do you think it's time to put him out of his pain?
Picture 2
Yes, I have powerheads, nitrates are 5 or less.
Air hose in the corner of the tank from a air pump.
UPDATE: looks like HLLE dammmit!!! Why couldn't I have seen this in the first tang.....
Is he to progressed to live?


O and the only other thing I have done in the last few weeks is cut off some mushrooms to give to a friend.


Staff member
Ok, this fish has Head and Lateral Line erosion--HLLE--an indication that your tank is not suitable for tangs, or angelfish. The fish also has a bacterial infection, brought on by poor care. While I don't give this fish much hope without immediate pro-action (QT in cycled tank with antibiotics as well as some long term treatment of HLLE), I personally don't euthanize.
Do 10 gal water changes, over the next 3 days using well mixed salt water. Quit with the flakes-they offer little value to fish nutrition and tend to add over-much to the bioload of the aquaria. Instead, offer the fish more fresh foods. An airstone will do nothing of value for a marine tank. Just be sure that you have very good water circulation throughout the tank, including the bottom as well as good water movement at surface.
Take a look at the info-post on HLLE in the FAQ Thread.


Oh, man, he has HLLE bad and looks like a bacterial infection on top of that. His immune system has been neglected. Feed him Nori sheets soaked in vitachem, and Zoe. Rotate it with Formula 2 from oceanic nutrition (frozen) add some selcon and fresh garlic. He needs help badly. Did your other fish look like that before they died? Flakes are no where near enough for fish. Other good ones are Julian sprugs sea veggies & formula 1. All fish, but Tangs especially need to have a varied and nutritious diet. Tangs need lots of vegetable matter. I realy hope he pulls through.


I'm purchasing a Volt meter tomorrow to see if I can narrow down a voltage possiblity as my tank conditions tend to be very good.
Beth, what are the chances of him leaving if I QT him?
He's pretty far progressed,isn't he?


Thanks for the ideas... I'll see if I can get him to eat.
I don't use flakes as the main source of food, but more or less if I'm gone for a day, they get food.
I use my home made mix for the primary source which contains tons of algea and seaweed.


Voltage would not have caused that. How long has he been like that and did the other fish suffer the same fate? I am not trying to flame you in any way. But that doesn't just happen. Let's figure out how we can avoid this in the future.