Tangs Dying, rest of fish, inverts & Coral are happy


About 3 weeks ago my hippo tang was hiding behind the rocks and breathing really heavy, the next day she died.
Now today my Yellow tang is doing the same thing and I'm guessing by morning will be dead (even if a QT her) She is looking really bad. White lips, breathing heavy... I'm guessing it's to late.
However, my main question is, what is going on? I've had this take for 6 years now and never had this issue (sure IKE and other common parisites), but nothing that just atacks my Tangs.
All levels of everthing are within the normal ranges.
Tanks Size: 120
Ammonia 0
nitrite 0
Salinity 1.025
temp 84
I have one 2 Perc clowns that look fine yet, corals (mushrooms and polyps) are doing great, Inverts (crabs, shrimp, etc) are all fine. Just my Tangs are both infected with something.
Any ideas?