Tangs keep dying!


I have gone through four tangs now! I'll buy one and about 2-5 days later he'll get ich and die, i had a powder brown, yellow,scopas and a kole why does this keep happening? I also have a maroon clown and two damsels but there not affected by it,it only targets the tangs. the tank is a 120gal and has been set up for about 3months, long passed the cycle and all the parameters are fine.


I always test my lfs's for water quality. One store here keeps there fish in hypo-salinity and also had an amonia spike when I purchased a fish from them one time. Never been back. LFS are in business to make $$$$. Be carefull who you buy from.


Active Member
I have to disagree with your assessment that "all the parameters are fine". If you cannot keep alive a scopus, kole or yellow tang in a 120 gallon tank then there must be something toxic about the water. Typically the problem you're having occurs when people try to put tangs into tanks that are too small but if your tank is truly a 120 then that's not the issue here. Improper feeding or care would not kill these fish in a matter of days. I'd suggest getting your water tested by the LFS or using a different test kit. Also, if you just test for ammonia, trites and trates then I'd test other things such as PH, Alkalinity, specific gravity, etc.
Its concerning that these are fairly hardy fish in a decent size tank. Could there be some stray voltage being released into the tank. There is definitely a major problem with your system but without more information it is impossible to speculate as to what it may be.


Active Member
r ur maroon and damsels killing the newcomers? these fishes r very aggressive. as for icks, its always going to be in ur system unless u have it fishless for 6-8 weeks.


also they were never in there together,one would buy then i'd wait 2weeks or so and get another one. i test amm trites trates and ph. i dont think its stray voltage cause i have my arm in there alot and would of felt it but thats what the lfs suggested too. i also had 2 cleaner shrimp in there that just recently died


Active Member
Are you getting all of these fish from the same source? Are you sure they are healthy when you get them? Do you watch them eat prior to buying?


Active Member
sounds like something in the tank, either the water or the current fishes. ur cleaner shrimps shouldnt die within 2 weeks.


Active Member
Definately sounds like somethings up with your water. What kind of water do you put in your tank? Tap water? RO/DI?
If you're using tap water there can be alot of things in there you can't test for that can be killing them including copper.


My cleaner shrimp i had for 2months and i always use ro water but i buy it from walmart and don't kno how "pure" it is. i don't always buy from the same shop we have 2 fish stores in town so i mix it up


Active Member
Can't rely on their filters.. I bet if you took them out and looked at their filters you'd probably stop.
What kind of filtration do you have? Live rock? macro algae? could really use some more info.


Thats wat i thought too. i have a rapids pro wet/dry filter with pads and bio balls and a fluval 305. i have over 250lbs of lr in the tank but none in the filters


Active Member
Wierd.. you'll have ich in your tank for awhile... with the fish in there -- probably a long while although healthy fish can fight it off. Don't really know what to tell you at this point though unless you just got some bad livestock from the lfs.


Im thinkin of putin them in a qt when i get one later this week. ill have a uv on it and prolly keep em in there for a month and hopfully it will kill it all off in the dt