Tangs Was Stung


I looked at the disease section and pics. My Tangs 2 of them has gotten stung by the anemone.. Will they heal up and the spots go away? The one got stung alot I think.. They dont seem to eat but then again they might be picking at the LR.. They both stay in the back.. Will They heal???


Active Member
its really a matter of how much. i have heard stories of some bouncing back within a few a days and others , well , sleeping with the fishes, see ?


Active Member
Originally Posted by BrendaC
I looked at the disease section and pics. My Tangs 2 of them has gotten stung by the anemone.. Will they heal up and the spots go away? The one got stung alot I think.. They dont seem to eat but then again they might be picking at the LR.. They both stay in the back.. Will They heal???
Are they breathing okay? Swimming stable (not wobbly or erratic)? Are the stings near their gills?
What kind of anemone?


Well they dont swim well.. very woobly. They were always next to the anemone. It it a BTA that my clown host. The body is affected as well..They got stung pretty bad over a period of time I believe.


Active Member
fish sometimes will get stung and not know the source of the stings when it is too late. unfortunately the last thread i read about a similar situation, someone YT died after an ugly run in with a BTA. wish you luck.