

So do you think a powder brown and a powder blue and a naso and a sailfin tang will go togeather in a 125 gallon tank. I really like the tangs and would like to have a few diff ones of them. So what do you guys think?

nm reef

Active Member

Originally posted by NITRAM
So do you think a powder brown and a powder blue and a naso and a sailfin tang will go togeather in a 125 gallon tank. I really like the tangs and would like to have a few diff ones of them. So what do you guys think?

First I would urge you to carefully research the needs and requirements of each fish you have listed. The powder brown and powder blue can be difficult species to keep under the best of conditions. They can easily have stress related problems and are known to be susceptable to ick. The naso and sailfin may grow too large for the 125 indivdually...and combined they may quickly over load the filtration and space provided in a 125...if it were me I'd carefully consider possibly one or two of the species listed but I'd probably not consider all four.


I had heard that the powder blue and brown were susceptable to ick. But I didnt know if it was in smaller tanks. Know Im hurt The hole reason I went up to 125 gal tank was to be able to have some tangs and them be happy but I guess I'm still to small LOL. Thanks I will research very well before I do any buying. Has any other of you Guys and Gals had luck with these fish.

tru conch

Active Member
the powder brown/blue might fight with each other b/c they are very similar to each other. and as you already know are hard to take care of, right along with hippos.
there are plenty of other options as far as tangs go. look at maybe a kole or cheveron tang. both stay small and are hardy.
a brown scopas or yellow tang wouldnt be bad either.
a naso will get way to large for a 125, just like a valmigli tang or unicorn tang.
there are loads of other nice colorful fish outside of the tang family, like angelfish, foxface, wrasse, etc.


If you are seriouse about getting a nice looking tang in your 125.
I suggest a black longnose tang. Looks like a yellow tang but all black.
A bit expsensive but completly worth it IMO.
I am planning on getting one soons as I find one for a decent price.
Do a google search on them you will see.


Yes it looks just like a yellow but $259.00 THATS A LOT. but nice looking fish. here is a pic I found. Does anyone have a pic of some nice loking fish that are good to have.


You have plenty of tang choice and I would keep your idea of putting tangs in your 125 just not those species. I have a 125 also and tangs are my favorites. Ill tell you what I have and you can decide. I have a hippo and a yellow tang. Both beautiful inexpensive and can handle a 125 easier than some other tang species. But you could also go with a scopus, orange shoulder, or atlantic tang. Just to name a few. I wouldent go anymore than 3 though. Better with 2 and then pick another fish to take the place of the tang like an angel.


New Member
I have a 200 and in it I have a Naso, a Red Sea Sailfin, a Hippo ( blue ), and a Powder Brown. Let's remember that each system is different and if you're an experienced hobbyist, can provide optimum conditions, and use the proper QT techniques more is possible. That said I would not attempt to keep the powder blue and powder brown together. You might get away with it if introduced together and small... A reputable source for healthy fish is a godsend and worth the effort of research and possible added expense. So if you are unsure of you abilities at this time choose wisely and read, read, read.. Good Luck.:D