

I have a juv atlantic blue tang (it is in it's yellow phase) what other tangs would work. I knw you have like different genus right? He will be going into my 135 which is almost done i think (it will never be done!), but i am havving some problems with hair algea, i was thinking of maybe a lawnmower blenny, (have one in a 55 and he worked out great) or a tang, or maybe both. your thought?


Active Member
Tangs are territorial so I'd say it depends on what you have in the tank. If you have enough places for your tangs to get away from each other when they are unhappy then you should be ok. Most LPS recommend if your putting in more than one to introduce them into the tank together.


Active Member
i'd prefer the blenny and or snails, tangs don't seem to be very friendly with each other, realizing that there are and have been some exceptions but, this si a general rule


I have the almost the same dilemma. I have a juvenile Atlantic Blue that is coming out of my 40 gallon and going into my new 70 gallon (xmas from my uncle). I'm also curious as to what I can put with it. I'm interested in adding another tang but my father has had 2 tangs in the same tank before and it was pretty hostile for a while. From my perspective, I'm going to risk it because even if it doesn't work, I'll dump one of the tangs into either my dads 70 or my uncles 150. Good Luck!


i think i am going to have a hippo in there. they are different genus so it should work thanks alot for you thoughts.


Well I just got a 70 for xmas so I think I will add a hippo and some other type of angel, a hardy one, to the 70 along with the blue tang, trigger, and coral beauty.

here fishy

Hippos like to hide alot and lie on their sides...Be careful as tangs like to pick at things in reef tanks...Feed them lots of greens...I have a naso in a fish only tank but I would suggest only keeping the one you have now..There is a great shop in our town on the east side. I hear it has great and healthy stock to choose from.....