

New Member
I now have a scopas tang, and what i am adding is a chevron tang and a purple tang. Anyone see any problems? Its a 110 gallon tank with 100pds of LR in it


Active Member
I dont see a problem with the size of your tank but sure others might. Expect your scopas to get very upset at the new guys and this is usually the problem when adding new tangs in with established ones. I highly recomend QTing the new guys to give them time to rebuild their weakened immune systems so that they will stand a chance from the stress that the scopas will put them thru. And rearange some rocks when you do mix them to confuse the scopas some as well.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Drock77
I now have a scopas tang, and what i am adding is a chevron tang and a purple tang. Anyone see any problems? Its a 110 gallon tank with 100pds of LR in it
Your system is not big enough to house three adult tangs. Long-term failure in my opinion. Purple really requires 6 feet of swimming space. Advice/opinion based on long-term adult sizes.