

What is the rule about Tangs...right now I have a Yellow Tang and a Powder Brown Tang, can I have others?
Is the rule "Have tangs with different shapes" or does that apply to angel fish?


Active Member
As big as your tank is (240 right?), IMO you would be fine with tangs similar to the Yellow (purple, scopas, ect.). I would avoid the similar tangs to the Powder Brown though, Achilles and Powder Blue tend to be more aggressive toward each other. Did you have something in praticular in mind? You would definately be ok with different shape tangs like Sailfin, Naso or Hippo. SWF.com has Tennent Tangs for $30 right now, that is a good one as well.
BTW, I have run accross several people that keep more than 1 big angel together successfully in big"ish" tanks like yours.


Active Member
If the tank is big like yours then I think two angels would be fine, just keep them well feed etc. I've seen lots of tanks with more than 1 angel. As far as the tank goes, I think you can have more than one yellow tang or different tang in the same family because of your large tank. Look at Goodwin's. I'd get a naso or two and some other large tangs with that size tank, IMO.


Active Member
To answer your question though, the "rule" is not to mix tangs of the same genus unless you A) introduce them at the same time and/or B) have odd numbers, and even then it's not certain.
For example, the Sailfin, Purple, and Yellow tangs are all Zebrasoma tangs, so peace is less assured when mixing them.
I agree with the other posters though... in a system your size, as long as you don't go nuts, the rule does not totally apply to you.


Active Member
The three tang rule doesn't work unless in big tanks like yours. I tried it in my 125g & hade to take out my yt. Luckily I got to keep 2 tangs though.