
Whats your favorite kind of tang and why? What is your least favorite kind of tang and why? In your experiance what Tang have you had the best sucess with and the least sucess with. Thanks guys.


Yellow: Best success and what made me want a saltwater tank but everyone has one :(
Hippo Tang: 2nd favorite
Powder Blue : Favorite looking but was very aggressive
Powder Brown will be the next one I get most likely. I believe they are less aggressive.


Naso - so much personality!!!
Blue Hippo - First tang and has done great
Yellow - Love how bright yellow they are.
I really like the Yellow ones too..and your right everyone seems to have them..but they always seem out in the open. And pretty hardy.
I REALLY like Blue tangs BUT every time i see them the look very sickly. They also seem to hide alot. Does anyone here think Blue Tangs are touchy?
What do you guys think of Kole tangs? They are really cute and seem to have the same "personality" as the YTs.
also LOVE the powder blues! They were pretty aggressive to tank mates huh? great to know!
thanks agian guys!


if you like the kole, take a look at the tomini. :)
blues arent really toughy, but skiddish.
most favorite.... blue hippo, but easy to have ich problems.
least favorite....sailfins...nice looking, but waaaay too big for most tanks.
i currently have a tomini, blue hippo, and purple tang together in a 7x2x2=200
future addition will be powder blue. :)


Active Member
clown tangs are bomb. i love their coloration.
i think scopas tangs r kinda ugly, its very rare to find a nice one.


Active Member
favorite tang for me is the Powder brown.(i think they are gorgeous)
least favorite is the naso.
I have successful kept and still am a yellow tang who is the most evil fish I have ever owned. If I stick my hand in the tank to rearrange anything, I feel the near miss of his tail!!! If I am scraping algae off the glass, he tries to attack the scraper. Mean..Mean...Mean....


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by mermaidgrrl13
Whats your favorite kind of tang and why? What is your least favorite kind of tang and why? In your experiance what Tang have you had the best sucess with and the least sucess with. Thanks guys.

Frankly I love all tangs. My favorite is my Hippo blue tang, I got it as a freebee, it was the size of my pinky fingernail. Now it is about 4.5 inches and beautiful.
He will hide when I a right up by the glass, but otherwise he is out and about all the time.
I like the yellow tangs but I read they get real agressive and need 6ft to swim in. I only have a 90g = 4ft.


Vlamingi's are my favorite by far. They have tons of personality and are always swimming out in the open. I can hand feed mine and touch it and it doesn't care. It's too bad they get so big. I do love all tangs though and currently have a Yellow, Sailfin, Blue Hippo, Blonde Naso, and Vlamingi.


my fav is the yellow tang bright and hardy, kind of reminds me of a middle linebacker of the tang can be a mean son of a gun!!

crypt keeper

Active Member
Achilles. I have my tank set up for one now. Im waiting till spring as my lfs slows down orders and special orders in the winter. I refuse to order fish online till it gets warm.
OH I love the Achilies too! I forgot about him. lol. LOVE the bright orange and grey black. Amazing fish. :) I was puttering around the tang section on swf.com and was looking at the yellow finned i believe?? It said it eats detritus and Hydroids as well as algae? Has anyone had any experiance with these guys? Forgive me because I dont believe thats the correct name.
now Im one of "those" people
. And your right about the shipping..Im in ND and dont DARE order any fish from the www in the winter. its going to be a long slow winter for me...Im trying to get my lfg to sell me his fat flasher wrasse he has in his display tank, hes had it for a few years now..but he says he will be impossible to catch. I will keep challenging and see what happens. lol. I love that fish! hes like "look what i can do" and somersaults across the tank.


Well-Known Member

Originally Posted by mermaidgrrl13

You're Welcome.
I can't BELIEVE nobody's done that yet!
C'mon, am I the only one out here with a weird sense of humor? I think not.
As for your real question, my favorite is the Chevron tang. Least favorite would be the clown tang....I dunno why, but those color combinations bug me.