

I have a 75g and I was wondering what my options for tangs were. Some sites say different things so I'm a little confused. I would really appreciate your input.

scott t

Active Member
I have heard it many times around here that NO TANG should be put in anything less than a 100 Gal Tank. They also say if you want to Tank for 75 or 90 gal your best choice would be the Kole Tang. This is just from what I have heard and asked on here myself. Hope this helps!!


You might be able to get away with a yellow tang, altho I wouldn't do it....
and if you did, keep your stocklist light


Thanks guys, I'm not much of a tang kinda guy but my family loves them. Do you guys have any experience with sand sifting starfish or bi-color blennys?


I have a bicolor blennie......and I HAD a sandsifting star...lol...I think I bought the star before my tank was ready for it (NEWB ERROR) SO do not get one until your tank is ohhhhh let's say 9 months old
The bicolor blennie is neat...it finds a hole and backs into it....but is also very possesive of it's "area"


Aw man I really wanted one of those but I'll wait I guess. I have a lot of live rock with holes that the blenny would love so I think I'll get one. Will it be okay with a few green chromis, a pair of clownfish, and a skunk cleaner?
Originally Posted by meowzer http:///forum/thread/379669/tangs#post_3300674
I have a bicolor blennie......and I HAD a sandsifting star...lol...I think I bought the star before my tank was ready for it (NEWB ERROR) SO do not get one until your tank is ohhhhh let's say 9 months old
The bicolor blennie is neat...it finds a hole and backs into it....but is also very possesive of it's "area"


Tangs for less than 100G (and only do one):
Kole Tang
Tomini Tang
Convict Tang
Scopus Tang
Yellow Tang
If you're going to do a tang in a 75G tank, keep the stock list light. IMO, it's not worth it, you can get many more small colorful fish that will add much more "life" to the tank than one large fish such as a Tang.
Sand sifting starfish:
I have two in my 155G. There is a lot of controversy surrounding whether or not they belong in tankgs because they very often starve to death. I have had these two in two different tanks and have been very lucky. I have a very healthy sand bed, so they're not going to starve in my tank. They don't belong in a tank that has new sand (less than a year old). Many people claim that they eat all the good fauna out of the sand bed, and this can be true, especially in a small tank or a shallow sand bed. In most cases, I do not recommend people putting the in their tanks, but I will say this, they keep my sand clean!
BiColor Blennies:
fun little fish and IMO a great addition. Easy to keep as well.
I had 3 yellow tangs in a 75g when I 1st started this hobby about a decade ago, bought from a LFS, they never said it was a bad idea. They lasted 3+ years with no signs of any problems. I had to move and could not take the fish so I 'donated' them back to a different more prof LFS. The owners was going to put them in his massive tank at home, along with all my other fish that I had to leave behind.


Are diamond gobys the same way? Will they eat out all of the good fauna?
Originally Posted by BTLDreef http:///forum/thread/379669/tangs#post_3300715
Tangs for less than 100G (and only do one):
Kole Tang
Tomini Tang
Convict Tang
Scopus Tang
Yellow Tang
If you're going to do a tang in a 75G tank, keep the stock list light. IMO, it's not worth it, you can get many more small colorful fish that will add much more "life" to the tank than one large fish such as a Tang.
Sand sifting starfish:
I have two in my 155G. There is a lot of controversy surrounding whether or not they belong in tankgs because they very often starve to death. I have had these two in two different tanks and have been very lucky. I have a very healthy sand bed, so they're not going to starve in my tank. They don't belong in a tank that has new sand (less than a year old). Many people claim that they eat all the good fauna out of the sand bed, and this can be true, especially in a small tank or a shallow sand bed. In most cases, I do not recommend people putting the in their tanks, but I will say this, they keep my sand clean!
BiColor Blennies:
fun little fish and IMO a great addition. Easy to keep as well.


I had a yellow tang in a 55 gallon for about five years before I upgraded her to a 240... she stayed small because I didn't feed my tank much. I don't see a problem with a yellow tang in a 55 at all...


Hey guys I'm new to saltwater tanks!
My uncle gave me his old tank 92g bow front corner tank with stand everything as well back mounted filter, a back siphon feeds down to the filter system underneath in the stand. Believe it is a sump so to say. Has bio balls back pump 2500 gph i believe for the protein skimmer and a 2300gph pump to pump the water back up. i baught 2 750gph powerheads for flow. I currently have 2 clownfish. The ones found in the movie forgot what their called percula clownfish or something like that and i have a sally lightfoot crab. My question being is it advisable to get a "blue hippo tang" based on my tank size and set up and if so how long should i let my tank mature before i get it? thanx guys looking for some advice i dont want a fish to feel cramped like the 2 foot oscar in a 20 gallon tank on youtube - straight animal cruelty!


Well-Known Member
First of all, welcome to the forums! I hope you enjoy your stay!
If you would, create a new thread and we can talk all about your tank and your expectations!
And to answer your question, no. Even though it has a lot of water volume, the tank is simply not shaped correctly for the swimming patterns of tangs.