


can anyone honestly tell me how many tangs is too many in one 55 gallon tank...i keep hearing no more than one specimen of a given species per tank...:mad:


Active Member
Tangs love to swim...in lots of water. Most experienced aquarists suggest at least 75 gallons of water for a tang.


Active Member
really 0 is to many for a 55 but a lot of people break this rule i have two in a 55 people tell me i am crazzzzzzzy but i am stubborn and crazy i guess if you must have one go with a smaller species like a yellow eye and get one that is small good luck this rule can be bent it is really a decision only you can make but if you get a small specimen he should be fine for a little while
( i realize i may have said some things that conflict with other peoples opinions but lets please not make this into a flaming cession)


I have a yellow in my 60g and its ok after 3 weeks...looks healthier now than at the LFS...it is rather small...but I definetly wouldn't add another tang of the small shape since they would fight and thats never cool to see...
One small tang in a 55g is ok imo...