

What is your guys thoughts on putting two tangs, say a yellow and a blue, in the same tank? I've gotten mixed answers. :)


Active Member
It can happen successfully. I have a Yellow and a Blue together, and they are buddies. They are always swimming together.
Mine were in the same tank at the LFS, transported together, and introduced together. I think that is a key factor - introduce them at the same time.
But tank size is a factor as well - not so much for compatibility, but for swimming room.


Active Member
I had a blue tang with a yellow tang in a 90 gallon tank. They loved each other since I added them at the same time. However, I think that the tank was too small for them and other fish since both the tangs could have grown to a foot long each...
If you add them seperately, they may become territorial and aggressive towards each other. And they will be cramped in anything smaller than 75 gallons...I would recommend over 100 gallons though, to keep both healthy and happy for a long time.


Active Member
if "we" generally speaking are adding say 100 lbs or so of rock in a 125 gal tank, how much swimming room is left for the fish?:confused:


Active Member
ok, tons, even better. how much room is that going to leave for a tang to swim? does it matter as long as the tank is large ??? seems to me the more rock, the less water, obviously your not going to add 125 gal of water because the rock is going to take up some volume.


I havn't started my tank yet, and I won't add the tangs untill a bit later, but I have a 55 gal. and I'm not sure that is enough room for them but I really like them both! I don't know if I could choose!