tank (and me) recovering


New Member
Thanks to all of you for your input on how to clean up my tank after my mass loss of fish. Well its been 24hrs. since I woke up and noticed the devistation. I have done a 40% water change and started using activated carbon filtering (GAC). I will do at least two more water changes of 20% & 10%. In about two weeks or more I will start to introduce fish again slowly. One good thing is that at least my corals are ok. Even though I really miss my fish (especially my puffer, what a personality), I feel in a weird kind of way excited about the prospect of starting over again from scratch. This experience has made me appreciate even more the fact that I am allowed financially (to some degree) to have a hobby such as this. Its hard work but very rewarding. Anyway thanks to all of you for nice words of concern and advice. This is a great board!!