Tank at full capacity?


Hey there guys i got a 55gallon tank with 43# of lr and these fish: GSM, Lunare Wrasse(Yes i know he will eventually get too big so no
) and a fuzzy dwarf lion. Is my tank full? Edit: Also how lonh till the wrasse starts eating the cleanup crew(Hes about 5 inches now) Cleanup crew: 5 small hermits, 10 atreas and 3 of the giant zebra turbos. He acts likes hes interested in the turbos but they wont let go of what theey are holding on to when he nudges them.


i think you have somemore room just dont get fish that are going to outgrow your tank, stay with small fish.


i cant get too small though cause otherwise mr.fuzzy will decide they are a good dinner. What would you guys recomend?


Active Member
imo you can get away with one medium size fish.. and maybe even more depending on your filter system.. so you can go with lets say a small - med tang.. or soo
as for the inverts.. how long till they are eaten depends on the invert somwhat.. if they learn to go nocturnal (like the snails in my agressive tank) then they can live a decently long time.. iof not.. they probaly be gone with-in 4 months.. so try to keep you fish full.. feed them ofthen but not overlooead..


Active Member
Originally Posted by damselsrck
What's a GSM? sorry...
gold stripe maroon clownfish


Originally Posted by Madswife
Hey there guys i got a 55gallon tank with 43# of lr and these fish: GSM, Lunare Wrasse(Yes i know he will eventually get too big so no
) and a fuzzy dwarf lion. Is my tank full? Edit: Also how lonh till the wrasse starts eating the cleanup crew(Hes about 5 inches now) Cleanup crew: 5 small hermits, 10 atreas and 3 of the giant zebra turbos. He acts likes hes interested in the turbos but they wont let go of what theey are holding on to when he nudges them.
How about a big marroon clown?


If You Could Find A Parrot Fish, That Would Be A Good Addition. Actually, A Full Size Angel Would Be More Compatible With Your Livestock, But There Is The Slight Problem Of Tank Size----hmmmmm.


Ok thanks guys... im still trying to get the lion to eat(had him for 2 days) I try to keep everyone full too. As for my filter sys its an amiracle rated to 250 gallons(dont ask why i have it its a long story) so i should be good there but the protein skimmer is a seaclone(a good one but will still need to up grade sometime)(Reeftank sorry no pics right now but i will try to get some soon)


parrot fish are very cool but they need very very large tanks like 300 gallons and need to eat corals and are nearly impossible to keep