tank background


New Member
I have noted thant many of the tanks photgraphic have a blue background. What product is being used? I am using a reef like background that distracts from the tank contents. Any suggestions?


Active Member
Any LFS can get you a colored background on material similar to what you have now. Some people paint the back of their tanks. I personally have a black background.
As your tank ages the back will usually get covered in coraline algae and the background becomes less important.
BTW, Welcome to the Boards!

mr. tuna

Active Member
I personally like black, because i dont want it to look (fake)
with the bright blue.. it looks alittle... bright. JMO
Welcome to the board! :D


Active Member
have heard good things about oceanvisions. Very easy to apply and take off if needed. We have a new tank coming up in the ranks soon, and we are going to give it a shot.

jackie dh

I buy a few rolls of dark blue foil wraping paper at Christmas time, they make a great cheap back ground. I also got some dark blue plastic basket wrap at easter that's interesting. Just add scotch tap!


I really like the Oceanvisions backgrounds, no paint, no fumes, no salt creep gets behind it, and is changeable later if you like.