Tank bred Butterflies?


Active Member
This came up in another thread. Have butterflies been captive bred? I don't think so. I'm pretty sure that pygmi angels have but I could be mistaken.


Active Member
I have not heard of any tank bred butterflies. The weirdest I have ever seen were tank bred atlantic blue tangs and tank bred lunar wrasses. Both of those were straight from ORA.


Active Member
This is from Bob Fenners web site....." Angels are separate sexes, though some (Centropyge, Genicanthus) are protogynic synchronous hermaphrodites (first females turning into functional males). Spawning, either in pairs or in "harems" is environmentally cued by light, temperature, other organism's activities. Gametes released into the water column, result in some planktonic larvae; developing and settling at the whim of currents.
Some species have been tank "bred" utilizing hormonal manipulation. Young have been tank reared for Pomacanthus, Centropyge and Genicanthus species. See Thresher for details."


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
I have not heard of any tank bred butterflies. The weirdest I have ever seen were tank bred atlantic blue tangs and tank bred lunar wrasses. Both of those were straight from ORA.
Is that tank-bred or tank-raised? Tank-bred means they were born in captivity, tank-raised they were captured as very small juvis, aka, the planktonic stage and raised to a sellable size. In the end both mean hardy, adaptable fish, but there is a big difference.


Active Member
Yep, I know the difference. Both were 100% tank bred. The lunare wrasses that I got in were the size of neon gobies, and the atlantic blues I had were the size of half dollars.