tank conversion


New Member
I have a 72g reef tank that I want to onvert to a agreesive set up FOWLR. I am ging to trade in all my corals to the LFS.
I want to put in a dogface puffer, a zebra eel keep my current purple tang and add 2 more fish. Will this be ok and if so what other 2 fish can I add.
I am also building a new house and plan to have a 250g FOWLR. So I can transfer my fish then to a larger tank. I will not be in that house for 2 years though.
any thoughts,


Active Member
Im thinking maybe a smaller lion species, like an antenatta. A volitan would grow to large for that tank with those inhabitants within 2 years. Wen u get the bigger tank, then def go with a volitan. How about a scorpionfish? They are really neat, I just got a whole bunch of pics from my freind and I was fascinated. Welcome to the board btw!
So, an eel, a puffer, the tang, and maybe a smaller lion/scorpion. How about a toad fish? They are really neat, orangish, hang out on the bottom, gulp up their food. Depends on your taste/ preference in fish is all.