Active Member
I just bought a new 38 gallon to replace my old tank because it was bowing out in the front (because its old enough to not have the middle support beam) and the seals were breaking apart. I brought it home, put it on the stand but haven't put water in it yet, and I noticed that on the right side the panes aren't exactly even. On the bottom right front corner the side piece is slightly inside the front piece and on the top right back corner the middle piece is slightly outside the back pane. I couldn't tell when I bought it, its an All Glass, and the only way I found out was because I was just peeling off the excess seal near the corners (little drops that didn't connect to anything). Will this matter? When I say they aren't even, I'm talking about just slightly. I have had one tank bust out on me a couple years ago (30 gallon freshwater) and I am now really paranoid about it, so much so that I may have retired my old 38 prematurely. Any thoughts?