Tank crash...


"Mayday mayday!!!!" might have been the last words of the pistol shrimp in my tank. Him, my new cucumber, and a couple hermits got saved from the tank crash. All the other life forms didn't make it...
A piece of acroporia fell on the clown, the goby starved, and the cardinal died of ammonia poisoning. Don't get an idea that I'm a bad caretaker, but I was assigned 7 projects in January :help: which is a bit much and I was incredibly busy. But the cuke and shrimp and hermits went into my brothers empty tank which is 55 gallons and is already cycled. My mom wants to have a tang in the tank, and I want a mandarin. Any other suggestions?
Thx, Matt


Active Member
No tang will work in a 20 gallon tank.A mandarin needs an established tank {over 10 months old..not just after a crash} and one big enough to hold 100 LBS of live rock to survive.Their natural diet is living food,such as amphipods, copepods,mysis shrimp


Active Member
You could put a tang in a 55 but wouldn't be my firt addition or recommend it's happiness, because they love to swim and need the room.... I have seen it done in a 55 though... Definitely not even ready for a mandarin. You need an established tank with plenty for him to eat. I would say wait longer than 10 months..... Again to me that isn't an established tank at 10 months


yeah, I figured. I just also found that in one of the rocks was my pompom crab! :cheer: More living things in the tank. And by the way, the cuke isnt one of those huge ropes, Its about, hmm... ___________ as long as that line, actual size. The shrimp will need a goby, correct? I did have one but...he died. Even if my mom didnt want a tang, I would probably get one because I always end up with an excess of algae.