Tank Crashed!!!


My tank crashed during the night, killing 5 of my fish including a S&S puffer, damsel, Lion, Panther Grouper, and a Harl. Tusk. When I woke up, the fish lost most of their color. I did a water change the night before, so I was thinking that bleach may have entered my bucket, but I am not sure. In addition, the water was tested and everything was fine, but the ammonia was a little high. Can you help me figure this out?
I have a 180 gallon tank cycling, so I wanted to put the live rock from the tank that crashed into it, but I am very hesitant now. Should I rinse the LR, or just put it in the cycling tank, or do something different?
Any suggestions help, and thank you for your time and assistance.


Active Member
Oh wow does that ever suck.
Had you gotten bleach near the water change water? How big was the tank? How much of the water did you change? Do you think something went toxic? Do you have any slugs in your tank?
I did a water change once on my reef and suddenly, everything started to go haywire. We couldn't figure it out, and then found a cleaning brush we had forgotten in the overflow....we figured maybe the rust got flushed into the tank and did something, but never did figure it out for sure. Luckily, we didn't lose anything except a couple of pulsating xenias that had just split.


mind you when you read this that i am by far no expert, however lately my water smells and even tastes like bleach. maybe call your water company and ask if they have had any other complaints. i know when i called my local h20 co. they said that they had had tons of calls and they were working to test different locations around the city. just a suggestion, sorry about your tank...


Active Member

Originally posted by Norcal420
Im no expert either but I dont think you are supposed to drink your tank water.

who said anything about drinking it, i think most of us have tasted thier water at one point or another, what a crappy thing to say to someone who just lost thier livestock, were supposed to help not post usless smartass nonsense like that.


if you are referring to me about drinking my tank water then fall back because i was talking about my tap water. he mentioned he did a water change. nice try at being funny, just didnt work out for you. have a good life...
Are you only using tap water for water changes? If so at a very minimum you need to use an additive to remove chlorine and chloramines. It would also help to let the water sit for a few days before doing the change.
sorry for your loss