tank crashed


I woke up this morning to find 90% of everything dead. 4 fish, all snails, all shrimp, most corals are shrivled up or bleached looking. Everything came out from the sand bead. There are about 25 bristle worms I have never seen before just on top of the sand, all kinds of start fish I never knew I had. It was as if there was a mad exit from the sand bed.
The only think still alive is my tomato clown, some crabs, urchin, and 2 star fish that look like they are not having fun.
I tested the water and found the PH very low. Everything thing else seems to be with in the limits. I did a 10% water change, I am running my skimmer which is just spewing out bubbles like crazy.
Can anyone take a guess as to what happened?


Active Member
Need some more info. What are the tank parameters? How old is the tank? did you add anything new? What salt do you use?
Could have anything gotten into the tank? Household cleaners etc?
What changed?


Originally Posted by TurningTim
Need some more info. What are the tank parameters? How old is the tank? did you add anything new? What salt do you use?
Could have anything gotten into the tank? Household cleaners etc?
What changed?

tank is 125 gallon running about 4 months. I switched from a 55 that was 2 years old to a 125 so I moved over all the sand and rock. I used instant ocean salt, always have nothing new there. Nothing new has been added. The only thing I did was prime a wall in the same room as the tank but I know nothing got in except for maby some fumes.


New Member
i once switched over rocks and sand before and had the same results. i found disturbing the sand bed caused the nitrates to hit a critical level, and took out all of my fish, just some info dont know if it pertains to your case.