New Member
my tank has been set up for 4 1/2 mounths it is 72gal bow front. I started off with live rock then some live sand from a lfs that he took out of his show tank. then i got damsels and some snails 3 difrent kind 3 of each and some hermit crabs now i have a snail that is white flat shell started to only see 2 3 weeks i have like maby houndred lfs says they are good no worry and i also have 6 little serpant star wich he says are dwarf stars comon no biggy would like other oppinion on this. I also have 2 narssarius and a sand sifter star 2 scarlet scunk cleaner shrimp 1 peppermint shrimp matched pair of clowns and blue damsel with yellow tail. looking to put blue hipo tang and a yellow tang in soon the tank also has 5 mushrooms star pulyps kenya tree silver pumping xenia looking on snail imput and star imput thank you