Tank Cycled! Please Help


Ok My Tank Cycled My Nitrate And Ammonia Droped To Zero But My Nitrite Is Not At 0 It Is Slightly Higher But It Has Droped Significantly I Have A C.c. Bottom So I Expected The Nitrite To Be Up A Little Bit...also My Ph Is Only 8.0 Now.....so My Question Is Should I Do My Water Change Right Away And Can I Vaccum My Cc To Bring Down The Nitrite Or Is It To Soon??? And Do You Think It Will Raise My Ph And Drop Nitrite???
Everyone will tell you CC is no good, I have never had it. I wouldn't mess with it, but beware of the CC haters. Now would be the best time to replace it if that's what you want. I would ask around and see if you can add sand on top of that to serve the same purpose.


I Was Told If I Stay Ontop Of Keeping It Clean Than My Nitrites Would Be Fine I Prefer Not To Change It But Do You Think It Would Be Ok To Do A Water Change Now Because My Tank Just Cycled