Tank cycling question

How long would a cycle be ( if any) if I used water from my 55 gal and also a filter that has been running on that same tank for like 4 months now. live rock from that tank and also some kind of sand that is supposed to have all the bacteria and reduce cycling. thanks again for all the help:jumping:


You will still go through some sort of cycle. Regardless of how much pre-cured rock or sand you put in your tank. Water holds little beneficial bacteria, you'd actually be putting in "dirty" water if you used the 55g water. In this hobby nothing comes quickly, I bet you'll still have the traditional 3 and 5 month out breaks of algae and cyano.
well I did add the live rock and sand but I didnt want to add any "dirty" water so I mixed a fresh batch of water and set it all up yesterday.(still wating for my lights to come.thursday or friday) the thing is I tested it today and Nitrates,ammonia,nitrites are all up. so I was wondering could it have started the cycle so quickly? thanks folks :confused: