Tank Cycling Question

I ran into a major problem with my tank crashing down over the christmas holiday. I had major algae blooms due to new lights being installed last week without reducing the number of hours for the tank to get accustomed. Water quality went down and a mini-cycle went into a major cycle with water changes not helping. I ended up taking all inverts and corals and fishes out to a temporary bucket until I could clean off all the brown and green algae from the live rock/tank walls. I took care to make sure that I left the sand bed alone with enough water to keep them covered. I also left water in the filters.
I put new salt water in the tank,etc. Am I going to go through another cycle since all the bacteria beds were left alone?????
So far...the tank is cleared but water parameters are where they should be but I wanted to see if anyone did the same thing.
29 gallons
35 lbs of live rock, 3-4 inches of dsb
mushroom corals, 3 damsels and 2 feather dusters
number of hermit crabs and 2 snails
star polps