tank cycling


Active Member
if i were to add the water from a smaller tank to a tank about 50g's bigger with the fish and everything would my tank have to cycle all ver again and would it be a bad one for the fish?


The water doesn't matter. The bacteria lives in sand beds, liverock and filters. You can avoid a cycle by using "used" sand.


Active Member
yes iif your wanting to try to skip the cycle use the old filter and media and try to use the sand and live rock too.


You will still find that your tank will go through a cycle period, not as long depending on the upgrade in gal, but nevertheless, you will have a cycle.


Active Member
ok and i would be adding 50 new gallons water.. so you think for the most part the fish will be ok? b/c unless i put them in with my shark which wouldnt be good then i have nowhere else to put them.. and so if i used my old filter and protein skimmer at first.. i could just add my new one on later on? im actually thinking about getting a canister filter and using my old hang-on-back and the canister both.. not sure yet.


Active Member
oh sorry one more question.. i know carbon is bad to run in filters.. but it comes with the canister filter i got.. is there anything i could run instead? or should i just not run anything in its place?


Do you have an established sand bed and liverock? If so, just transfer them over. I did this when I upgraded with no problems and no noticeable ammonia/nitrite spikes.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jcrim
The water doesn't matter. The bacteria lives in sand beds, liverock and filters. You can avoid a cycle by using "used" sand.
You should of told me this 6 months ago