Tank Cycling

t bone

New Member
I am just starting into saltwater after about 10 years in freshwater.
I've been reading as much as I can and going to my lfs to learn as well. I am a little concerned about my tank cycling.
I have:
80 gal
~30 lbs live rock (cured at the lfs)
2 blue damsels
protein skimmer (starting to create a thick foam at the top)
My concern is that when I test my ammonia and Nitrate/Nitrite levels, they are all very low. I have had the damsels for two weeks now and am not seeing an ammonia or Nitrate spike. Are the fish generating enough waste to start the cycle? Is it too dilute in 80gal?
Also, would it make any sense when starting a tank to just add ammonia to it without fish to start the cycle so it can handle more ammonia?
T Bone


Active Member
The first thing you need to do is shut off the protien skimmer, you should let the tank cycle before adding it. This is most likely the reason your levels aren't going up...also you might want to add something else to boost your bio-load. The 2 damsels aren't going to produce enough waste to kick your cycle up. Lisa
Also, what is your substrate? If it is live sand and you have cured liverock allready you might see little or no cycle at all....fixit :)

t bone

New Member
The substrate is about 80 lbs of argonite. Would it make sense to get uncured rock from the lfs to add? I have heard that that can be a good way to cycle the tank.
What else should I add to increase the waste output?
T Bone


I agree you will need to increase the bio load. Some uncured lr will work just fine, you might also want to add some ls. Good Luck


I would add more LR. I started my 55 with 45lbs and am now up to almost 60 lbs total. My cycle was short and sweet, almost text book. My only regret was that I started with CC and changed to DSB with LS on top about 1 month into my tank. Now everything is very stable and thriving! Good luck, and let us all know how it goes.

t bone

New Member
Can I add LS on top of the Argonite. What bad things can happen by leaving the argonite in?