tank cycling ?


Just added 45lbs lr to my 26g bow. Do I need to do a 50% water change every week till cycled? And when should I add my clean up crew? I am leaving the lights off (110w PC). I also have a CPR hang-on refugium with ls, lr, and 13w 50/50.


I am not much more experienced than you, but when I cycled my tank I did no water changes. In fact I didn't even do one after cycling because my nitrates were down to 0. But if you do a water change, I would think all it will do is increase the amount of time it will take your tank to cycle.
Also, I would start using the lights. That will help some beneficial algae start to grow. Your rock will appreciate it.


nurjrk -
I suggest no water changes as it will unecessaily prolong your cycle. I let mine cycle until the ammonia and nitrites were 0 then I did a 40% water change on it for a fresh start before adding anything. If you do decide to due some water changes make them small ones. 50% will just cost you in salt and water. 5% during a cycle is about all I would recommend with nothing else alive in the tank during a cycle.
You might want to run your lights for a few hours a day 3-4 to keep your coralline algea and any hidden bonuses on the rock alive. Much more than that and you will speed up the unwanted algea process like the diatoms, green algea, hair algea.....
Pretty good call Crazy8


Adding your clean up crew can be done after your readings are
0-0- and lower than 20 ppm of nitrates. 10ppm would be even better.