Tank Diary - A new Nano is born!


Hi all,
Here are some pics of my new Aquapd 24g and the custom stand that I built for it. I will be adding water and live sand tomorrow. I will post more pics as progress is made. Let me know if you have any questions, and thanks for looking!



1 more for now. This is just the egg crate top. I didn't want to use the glass top becuase I know it's going to get too hot (using a 150w MH Sun Pod). The egg crate will just help prevent any fish suicides
The egg crate on the bottom of the tank is just to keep rocks off of the glass. I've read that cube tanks have pretty thin glass and I don't want to take a chance.


Active Member
Nice but not very sturdy.
j/k That baby could withstand any earthquake. Ha! Thats very nice craftsmanship.
Thanks for sharing. Barry


Originally Posted by hot883
j/k That baby could withstand any earthquake. Ha! Thats very nice craftsmanship.
Thanks for sharing. Barry
LOL... Yeah, you could park a Volkswagen on the stand. I have a tendency to overbuild stuff. I wanted to make it strong and a little over size so I can reuse the stand if I decide to move up to a 30g cube.


Active Member
Wow, very cool!! I wish I knew how to do that kind of stuff!! Can't wait to see everything come together. What do you have planned for it?
Lisa :happyfish


Originally Posted by MonaLisa
Wow, very cool!! I wish I knew how to do that kind of stuff!! Can't wait to see everything come together. What do you have planned for it?
Lisa :happyfish
Thanks. I am going to try to make it a reef. For fish, I'll probably stick with 2 small perc. clowns, a clean up crew, and maybe a gobie (not sure which kind yet). I have A LOT of research to do on corals before I add any. I hope to start cycling it this weekend.


Active Member
Love the crown molding, been wanting hubby to put some in the living room, much cheaper to put on a stand! Very nice


Originally Posted by jeepxj922
whered you get the egg crate stuff thats cool.. could you put a light right on top of the egg crate?
Yep, Home Depot, in the lighting section. It's meant for the fluorescent light fixtures that go in drop ceilings.
I guess you could put a low power/heat light on it (it's plastic, BTW), but I wouldn't do it with a metal halide fixture. They can get very hot. Mine will be sitting a good 6-8" above the egg crate.


Originally Posted by puffer32
Love the crown molding, been wanting hubby to put some in the living room, much cheaper to put on a stand! Very nice

Thanks. And yeah, it is expensive. An 8' section was almost $40. I'd hate to have to do my whole living room!


Originally Posted by maxalmon
Very nice, great craftsmanskip...Can't wait to see the tank when it's complete
Thanks. I should have some new pics by Monday. Live sand and water go in tomorrow, and I'll probably pick up my live rock this weekend. Then comes the dreaded cycle wait.