Tank establish...ness.


I'm in the process in setting up a 40G reef and my plan was to take all woping 12lbs of LR from my previous 12G JBJ along with my LS and add it to the 40G. I was also going to put an RBTA (i'm not necessarily a noob to anems, but I've never had one and have been doing some research.). So if I add this LR and LS to the 40G along with more LR of course is that considered an "established" tank?


After it cycles out the ammonia from disturbing and moving everything, then it'd be established IMO...
Your new surface area is still barren of that beneficial bacteria. Your other tank had it and moving the rock of course you brought most of it over, but not all of it.
Move, add rock, recycle, get params back to 0, then it's closer to being established IMO.


I don't want to rush it I was just wondering if then my tank could be considered "established"
I want to put JUST the anem in ther (along with my lonely shroom rock) so that it settles in and I don't have to worry about it roaming around as mush when I have all of my other corals in there.


I kinda did the same thing. I knew I wanted a reef and I knew I wanted an anemone. I stock piled 230 lbs of LR, and about 200 lbs of ls, let it cycle, waited a couple months then got my anemone. Now he's happy and I add more corals.
The 6 month rule is mostly for new hobbiests who do not really know how to keep stable parameters.
6 months of practice I guess, lol


Well if i were the god of everything that went into a home aquarium, I would demand that a newB had to have at least one year of SWF expereince before even CONSIDERING an anemone. Call me picky and harsh but water params for an anem. aren't necessarily something a newB should have to deal with. (The first year should be in an aquarium of 15g or less too lol)