tank for free


Today at work I saw a 100+/- gal. tank on the side of the road. My heart jumped. Upon inspection, it had a large crack along the bottom. The tank is thick arcrylic and is plumbed. Can this be repared successfully? Maybe place another sheet of arcrylic over the entire bottom and seal it real well or is this thing shot?


Just went out and got it. Of course it was across the city. This thing is huge. Hardly fit in the back of the VW. It's 5x1.5x2.5 tall. What does that translate to in gallons?
You're right...what do I have to loose. All tests can be done in the garage.
Any body ever fix a large crack in a big tank?


i dont see why you couldnt fix it. it may not be pleasant to look at, but its on the bottom and you wouldnt see it. i say ask around and if its economical go for it. I just noticed your in pensacola, so am I.
what type of set up do you have now? I can ask some friends and some of the people at the LFS and get back to you.
email me some time


Right, jrb, I could eventually build the stand to cover it.
Pensacola, huh? Is your LFS downtown...?
My tank now is 29g, new, and looking good (knock on wood). Eventually home to a reef.
Any suggestions from LFS would be great, I'll be asking, too. I'm sure this has happened to someone, and they chose not to put it curbside.


I go to all of the LFS in town. reefers, aquaworks, waterworld, reefscapes, even retzels... I just enjoy looking at everything and occasionally I but something here and there. I have a buddy and we trade frags. I have a 125 and he has a 110. I'd like to hear more about your 29g tank. keep in touch.